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Stop AIDS! Keep The Promise


Thursday, July 14, 2011


Frequently asked questions (FAQ) are the questions that are asked by the people in order to clear their doubts regarding the disease. Though HIV is spread out all over the world, most of the people do not have the fundamental information about the disease. They have many misconceptions regarding the disease. That may keep them away from treating HIV. The basic HIV education should be given at work places, schools and governmental as well as nongovernmental organization. The readers have many questions in their minds regarding the disease. 

Let us see the answers to FAQ on HIV
What does HIV mean and how it converts itself into AIDS?
HIV, the acronym stands for Human Immunodeficiency Syndrome. AIDS stands for Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. The period between these terms is known as stages of HIV infection that leads to develop AIDS in an infected person. The first stage is known as acute or primary stage of HIV infection. In this stage, a person may experience the symptoms such as flu-like illness, fatigue, headache, weight loss etc. the second stage is described as an asymptomatic HIV, as a person do not experience any symptoms in this stage. He/she becomes symptoms-free. This stage takes a long period of time to develop. The HIV test result appears as positive in this stage. The third stage that is symptomatic, allows the opportunistic infection to attack on the immune system. The fourth stage is known as AIDS. It is an advanced stage of HIV infection. 

What are the early symptoms of HIV?
  • Tiredness
  • Headache
  • Tiredness
  • Enlarged lymph nodes
  • Fever
  • Genital sores and rash of flaky skin
  • Blurred vision
  • Excessive fatigue and weight loss
  • Mental symptoms like confusion
  • Frequent fevers and night sweats
How does HIV transmit? What are the ways of transmission of HIV?
HIV can be spread out through several ways. The ways are given below
  • Using reused needles
  • Breastfeeding
  • Unprotected sex with an infected person
  • Transmission of contaminated blood
Is there any test available for the detection of HIV?
Yes, there are standard blood tests that can be performed for the detection of HIV. For example ELISA and western blot test. Apart from these tests, you can perform rapid tests and viral load tests. ELISA should be followed by the western blot test for confirming the existence of HIV. Moreover, sometimes it may possible that besides being tested through these tests you will have to go through some additional tests. 

Can AIDS be cured?
AIDS cannot be cured. Once you reach in the last stage of HIV infection, you cannot come back to the first stage of HIV infection. If you take the treatment, soon after HIV infection, you can control the symptoms of HIV infection, but it does not mean that HIV will be cured. You can know about your HIV infection status by performing the HIV test. However, there are some treatments for controlling the disease i.e. antiretroviral therapy. 

Does kissing lead to HIV infection?
Kissing does not cause the transmit of HIV. However, it is advisable to avoid kissing. It may cause HIV transmission if you have any cuts or sores in your mouth and you are having sex with a person who is HIV infected. Moreover, sneezes, donating blood, sweat and tears do not cause for HIV infection.
FAQ on HIV would help you to solve your queries regarding the HIV. It would be beneficial for you as you can get basic information of HIV through the given stuff. 

Source : http://www.hivsymptomsonline.com

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